All technologies are cool
This page describes the setup that I use in my desktop experience while describing the decisions that were made while selecting the components. It is irregularly updated.
OS: Arch Linux#
Arch is a fantastic Linux distribution that’s pretty lean and mean for all sorts of use cases. It’s primary advantage to me is the fact that I have to perform least amount of configuration, in the case where I ever need to reinstall my system. Quite fortunately, it has rarely broken down on me.
BSPWM is the most vanilla WM experience you can get, in my opinion. I do not care much for the modularity aspect of it. I love i3 as well, but prefer to stick with BSPWM, because it feels more stable.
I have a very terminal oriented workflow and prefer to do everything in terminal. 1 window per workspace works for me.
Some components that I use along with BSPWM:
Component | Software |
Bar | polybar |
Terminal | alacritty + fish shell + tmux |
Notifications | dunst |
Image viewer | feh |
Music | mpd + ncmpcpp |
PDFs | zathura |
Neomutt |
Text editor: Neovim#
Vim fits my terminal oriented workflow really well. I use NeoVim’s built-in LSP.
Assignments and other academic material
$\LaTeX$ is my personal favorite. I use the VimTeX plugin + Zathura. It produces very clean and beautiful PDFs that are otherwise very missed. -
Casual notes are preferred while learning stuff. I take such notes in Markdown. Simple and universal.
Obiter dictum: I love both markdown and Org-mode. I alternate between them from time to time, preferring markdown for smaller files and Org-mode when I want to build a knowledge base. However, I have not fully switched to Emacs and I prefer other tools for other functions.